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The Compass


Dear Griffin Guides,

Thank you for volunteering as a Griffin Guide! It was wonderful to have our first meeting in person, seeing familiar faces and meeting new families. For those who missed it, we will send out the notes from the meeting. We hope to see you next time. 

Please complete the doodle survey below so we can figure out the date and time for our next meeting.

We need to have one more meeting before the Fall Festival on October 31st to discuss logistics and any last minute needs and updates.

The chair for our Fall Festival is Phil White, who will be sending additional emails to the room parents. Joining him will be the following leads:

Carla DeFosse - Snack Shack

Lauren Silva - Trunk or Treat

Haley Fishbeck- Photobooth

Adriana del Salto - Decorations

We appreciate all of your help with the Fall Festival and thank you for stepping up for the children.

For our room parents, feel free to send an introductory email  to your class and communicate our upcoming events, such as our Family Hike on Saturday Sept 28th at Aliso Canyon Park.  Additionally, this is a great time to coordinate with your teacher regarding ideas for the Fall Festival Booth, so that the parents have time to gather items and sign up to volunteer for class booth, snack shack and/or trunk or treat.

There is more specific information outlined in the Room Parent folders Gioconda handed out at the meeting, such as the calendar of events etc. Please contact her if you are a room parent and did not receive one.

If you want to give back and contribute towards a positive environment for our children, we still need Chair for the following positions:

>>Dine Out Chair

Dine Out occurs once a month. Gioconda has a list of restaurants from last year that you can use as a guide, but feel free to reach out to other restaurants. Typically, dine out can be scheduled with restaurants at their online website and the restaurants create flyers for our events. Once you have the dates scheduled,  please let Gioconda know so she can add them to our school calendar. After a dine out event is done, you will contact the restaurant for the donation check. If we have two people taking charge of this, each person just has to handle it every other month and you can get to know the business owners of these restaurants.

>>Family/Social Event Chair

We would LOVE to have some social events for the GPS families outside of school. We would like to shoot for two events this year. The events do not need to be extravagant. It could be things like bowling, movie night, beach day, etc.

>>Teacher Appreciation Week Chair

The chair would help coordinate a theme for the week and work with preschool, lower school, and middle school to plan decorations, provide a meal for one day during the week of May 4 through May 8, 2025. Last year, middle school provided snacks, lower school provided lunch and preschool provided breakfast. We also hired car wash company to provide car wash for the teachers etc.

During our meeting, many shared that GPS felt like a community. This is only possible with everyone's help! It takes a village to raise a child and with you volunteering to be room parents, providing donations and generously giving your time, we want to thank you and let you know that you are very much appreciated.  

Please reach out to us or Gioconda with any questions and we will see you at our next meeting!

Sher and Jenny

Granada Preparatory School
10400 Zelzah Avenue, Northridge, CA 91326
Day CaRE Center Facility Number: 197494726
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