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Weekly News - November 6

From the Head of School

The big event of this week was the return of our Kindergarten and First Grade class for on-campus instruction. This follows the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health decision to permit in-person instruction for students who would be better served with in-person instruction as long as this did not exceed 25% of the student body. At GPS we felt that the greatest need was for our youngest students to be on campus under the direct guidance of a teacher. To make this happen, GPS has put in place all of the protocols set out in our document, GPS COVID 19 SAFETY PROTOCOLS, which you can find on our website.  This included morning temperature checks, masks, social distancing, separate lunch areas, and the class, or pod, not intersecting with other pods on campus. We have also offered a hybrid program, where students not attending on-campus instruction continue with distance learning. That our program is working so well is a testament to the ability, dedication and teamwork of our faculty and staff. A big round of applause to the entire K/1 teaching staff of Ms. Ignacio, Ms. Boulanger, Ms. Mauro, Ms. Veigel, Mr. Silva, Mr. Mendoza, Coach B and our Lower School Principal, Ms. Collins.

Here is what our students said about their return to on-campus instruction:

Siddhartha: I like being with my friends.

Zoe: I want to become a learned grown up so I can teach my kids.

Idan: I like being in-person with my teacher.

Professional Development

Today’s GPS was closed for a Professional Development Day focused on a number of topics. Our Middle School faculty spent the morning working on our Middle Years Program of the International Baccalaureate. We recently found out that our authorization was successfully transferred from Chatsworth Hills Academy to GPS. You can now find our school listed in the IB directory.

Our Lower School teachers attended a virtual workshop on effectively using our Language Arts and Literacy Program, My View. We adopted this brand new, very comprehensive, and IB friendly, program last year and we will be doing a series of workshops on this program during the course of this academic year.

Some of our staff also participated in the first of three workshops on school accreditation put on by our accrediting agency, WASC. This was the first step in a yearlong process that will result in a school self-study and a team visit to our campus in 2021. In addition, all staff took some time to take the on-line CPR/First Aid training program.


GPS Annual Fund

Here We Go...

Next week we launch the Annual Giving Campaign with the goal to raise $25,000 towards Professional Development. The money raised from this drive will continue to provide our faculty with training and workshops necessary to deliver our outstanding International Baccalaureate program. It also provides networking opportunities with other IB schools around the world to share ideas and collaborate for a truly global perspective. Ultimately our Annual Fund benefits the students at GPS as they continue to receive the high quality education that our teachers and the IB Program provides.

We also suggest that you look into your company's matching program as you consider your participation this year. Information on ways to make your pledge or donation will be sent to you next week. We hope you will consider participating in any way you can.


Student Council News


Celebrating GPS

Veteran's Day

Veterans Day is celebrated on November 11 to honor the brave men and women who have served, or are serving our country. Armistice Day was established to honor veterans at the end of World War I. After World War II and the Korean War Congress changed the name to Veterans Day to include all those that have served in American Wars. We are forever indebted to the service men and women who work to ensure the liberties that we enjoy.

As we approach this holiday next week, we wanted to honor members of the GPS community that have Veterans in their families:

Goudy Family (6th Grade)

  • Mark Goudy, Grandfather - Navy, Korean War

  • Antonio Rodriguez, Grandfather - UN Merchant Marines, Korean Way

  • James Goudy, Great Uncle - Navy, Vietnam War

  • James Lux, Uncle - Navy (retired) , Desert Storm

Ignacio Family (JK & 2nd Grade)

  • Staff Sergeant Luis Villaseñor - USMC

  • Sergeant Roland Fernandez - USMC

Weinstein Family (Administration)

  • Dave Barker - Marines, Vietnam War

We thank you for your service!


Art Corner

Art by Nandini S. (5th grade)

4th and 5th graders are learning about motion in their unit of inquiry. We connected that concept in Art where we explored Optical Art which gives the viewer the impression of movement and space.


Staff Spotlight

Meet Cathy Weinstein

This week we would like to showcase another member of the outstanding GPS admin staff, Cathy Weinstein. Cathy has been an administrative assistant at CHA/GPS since 2005. She can be found in the office at GPS or answering the phones daily. Over the years, she has seen many changes at the school: four Heads of School, each with their own unique contributions to the school and its culture; the move to a more technology-rich curriculum and office; the adoption of the International Baccalaureate program; and of course most recently, the move to a new campus and merger with FPPS. Throughout all of these evolutions, there has been one constant, her love of interacting with children and their parents, helping the students to get the best education possible. “My guiding light in life is to make the world a better place each day. For me, that means helping young people on their path to a rich, meaningful life in any way I can. I am most proud of the way the school instills a great self-confidence in all our students.”

When she’s not at work, Cathy is an avid outdoors-person. Camping, bicycling, sailing, kayaking, hiking, and a new bird-watching hobby keep her exploring and learning every chance she gets. (Her most recent new bird sighting is an American Bittern—very exciting!) When travel becomes more of an easily-achieved reality and the work schedule permits, Cathy has a goal of a bicycle trip down the Pacific coast, starting at her son’s home in Vancouver, WA and ending back at home in Simi Valley. Cathy is very proud of her family, which includes her husband, three terrific grown children, and a wonderful daughter-in-law. We are fortunate to have Cathy on our team.


Online GPS Scholastic Book Fair through November 15, 2020

Dear GPS Parents and Families:

The Scholastic Book Fair is running through November 15. Check off those gifts for the young readers on your holiday list.

  • Granada Preparatory School's own online store, with a large selection of titles, at the right price points

  • A Virtual Fair so you and your family can experience the magic of the school shopping experience. Browse titles by grade, meet popular authors, and discover the comfort and joy of our Fair

  • Every dollar you spend will benefit our school directly (25% back in rewards!)

Fair Dates: Monday, November 2 – Sunday, November 15, 2020

We can’t wait to “see” you at the Fair


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